Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Who flipped the switch

I am definitely starting to feel changes.  Up until now I have had little spats where I felt tired and a little sick but nothing like yesterday.  I was driving to work having my coffee and whamo I started to gag.  I thought what am I going to do I was driving on road with the speed limit of 55.  I pulled over and just as quickly as it came it went away.  When I got to work I ate some pretzels and felt a little better.  I had this on and off feeling all day long.  I came home at dinner and went straight to bed.  I slept for 12 hours.  Last week on Wed I called my nurse because I wasn't feeling pregnant.  She suggested with my history that we run one more beta just for my piece of mind.  They are so understanding and caring they never make you feel like you are bothering them or crazy like you feel everyday.  It came back at 3851 it more than doubled again.  She said to me they would be shocked if they didn't see a heartbeat with numbers that strong so that has put my mind at ease.  She also said I should be thankful for these days when I do feel good because not feeling good days are coming.  Boy was she right!  We continue to wait 1 week 1 day until we will see the babies heartbeats.  See that's positive thinking.    

1 comment:

  1. yahoo!! Trust me the 2nd trimester will bring relief!!! Oncce you see heartbeats you wont mind the yucky feelings because you will know exactly why you are feeling this way! You are growing 2 human beings inside you...that takes a lot of work! Enjoy every second of it...Just keep smiling and rub that little belly of yours as it grows! Those babies are safe and aound in there! Every step of pregnancy brings many new and exciting things! Such a great experience!! :)
